I decided this will be the place for some deeper thoughts. I don't normally like deep thoughts, but sometimes they pop up and I don't want to jabber on Thai One On, which is otherwise pretty funny and lighthearted. Thailand is looming. . . .I know I'm trying to do something beneficial for mankind and more intellectually challenging than choosing a shade of pink for my pedicure, but there is this obnoxious little voice in my head that pops up without warning and goes, "But why?" I'm not proud of it, but I've lead a very sheltered and easy and self-centered life until now, and living and working and teaching in Thailand is going to be so, so hard. And I have intellectual answers, the answers I give my parents and their ilk, but I'm still working on answering that question to the satisfaction of the little voice in my head.
Monday, July 25, 2005
Friday, July 22, 2005

Introducing. . . my fam. Top, Jack, who is completely certifiable. He talks to our four dogs and answers back for them. Constantly. Next is Sid Vicious, my firstborn and the love of my life. (Well, him and the guy from that new Mariah Carey video.) And on the bottom where he belongs is my brother Bo, in his natural environment. I have two other brothers, three sisters, a mom and some other parents, three other dogs, two cats and a chicken, but my digital camera is new and I haven't gotten acceptable pictures of them yet. All in good time, my child.
Hello Internet. My name is Lolo, I am 22 years old, and this is my blog. Yes, that was cribbed from Heather B. Armstrong at www.dooce.com. I currently live in Santa Cruz, California with my parental units and Sid Vicious, the mostest cutestest insane dog in the universe. And three other very cute, slightly insane dogs. In slightly more than two months I will be moving to Thailand to teach English. This is very un-me-like. Everyone thinks I am joking when I tell them I am moving to Thailand, because I am a high-heel wearing, tanning-booth frequenting, expensive makeup connoisseur with a serious designer jean problem. On this blog I will be chronicling preparation for this, um, trip, as well as discussing various topics that I find interesting, such as dogs, punk rock, poop, hairstyles, the meaning of life, fashion decisions, and Text Twist.